As an economic powerhouse, London is one of the foremost locations for the biggest businesses and corporations in the world. This makes it hard for the small to medium businesses and start-ups however, as the cost of renting office spaces in London is extortionate, with many not even having the capital needed to rent offices in London.

But why rent a physical space when you could set up a virtual office instead?

A virtual office in London is a great alternative for businesses capable of remote work. With improvements in technology, countless businesses no longer need a physical work space to operate, yet a business address is always better for the overall professionalism and visibility of the organisation.

In fact, there are many reasons to set up a virtual office in London!

London Address

You cannot overestimate how impressive a London address is for a business. This is one of the foremost business centres in the entire world, so having a London address attached to your business is only going to improve your credibility and reputation.

Plus, you get to have a London business address without having to pay the huge rental fees for a physical office, while your business will be much easier to find on search engines.

Low Overheads

With a virtual office in London you aren’t paying anywhere near the same amount of overheads as you would with a physical office. Not only is the rent significantly lower, you also don’t need to pay for office supplies, computer hardware, and utility bills.

This is especially important for start-ups that need to keep their overheads low when first setting up the business. So, you get to save money while still having a business based in London – it’s a great solution for countless small businesses and start-us.

Optional Services

A virtual office in London is not just an address for your business, as there are several different services for hire if required. For instance, you can hire a virtual receptionist to take calls, forward messages, and provide information to clients.

Better still, you can hire out temporary conference rooms should you want to meet with clients or employees. This is especially useful in London, which has several international airports and a huge infrastructure that makes it an idea place for meeting with clients.

Work Remotely

You get to work from home with a virtual office in London, meaning all the benefits of a London business address while working from the comfort of home. This applies to any employees too, helping to save everything time and money travelling to and from work.

Furthermore, working from home usually results in higher productivity and job satisfaction, which are essential for the success of any new business or start-up.


Renting a physical office space in London is huge commitment. Instead of committing to a length and expensive contract you can hire a virtual office, which is far more flexible. For instance, most don’t require long-term commitments, while it’s much easier to expand operations from a virtual office compared to a physical office.

Should you feel your business is ready to move into a physical space in London then it’s relatively easy to give up a virtual office, meaning less stress and hassle should the business need to expand down the line.